1st : Conjunction of Moon and Jupiter (figure 1). Visible in dawn sky, rising at 01:52 (BST), 3 hours, 11 minutes before the Sun, above South, Eastern horizon before fading from view as dawn breaks, 04:35. visible to unaided eye or with binoculars. At the same time, the two objects will make a close approach (appulse). Moon will be 381926 km from Earth, Jupiter will be 715.4 million km from Earth. To be found in constellation Aquarius.
Figure 1.
10th : 23% Annular Solar Eclipse (figure 2). Sun will be eclipsed to a maximum of 23% in Wales, however, elsewhere in United Kingdom the Sun will be eclipsed to a maximum of 39%; Total annular eclipse will not be visible. It will be 23% at 11:06 BST. Moon will be 400404 km from Earth, Sun will be 151.88 million km from Earth.
Figure 2:
10th : Arietid meteor shower (figure 3/4) active until 24th June, producing maximum meteors between 7th and 10th. Shower will not be visible before 02:35 each night, when radiant point rises above Eastern horizon. It will remain active until dawn breaks, 04:10. At peak, shower is expected to produce 10 meteors per hour. Parent body, comet 96P/Machholz. Constellation Aries.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
13th : Conjunction of Moon and Mars (figure 5). Becoming visible at 22:06 (BST) as dusk fades, above Western horizon. Moving towards the horizon, setting 2 hours, 30 minutes after the Sun. Constellation Cancer (figure 6).
Moon will be 392914 km from Earth, Mars will be 349 million km from Earth.
Figure 5.
Figure 6.
21st : June solstice (figure 7/8). Longest day of 2021 in the Northern hemisphere, midsummer day. The day when Sun's annual journey through the constellations of the zodiac carries it to its most Northerly point in the sky, in constellation of Cancer at a declination of 23.45°N. Considered by astronomers to be the first day of summer in the Northern hemisphere.
Earth will be 152 million km from the Sun.
Figure 7
Figure 8.
27th : Conjunction of Moon and Saturn (figure 9/10). visible in morning sky, from 00:35, above South, Eastern horizon. Reaching highest point at 03:55, above Southern horizon. Lost to dawn twilight at 04:30, above Southern horizon. Moon will be 369535 km from Earth and Saturn will be 1365 million km from Earth.
Figure 9.
Figure 10.
27th : Bootid meteor shower (figure 11/12). Active 22nd June to 2nd July, peak meteors approximately 27th June. Constellation Bootes. Best displays after dusk. Parent body, comet 7P/Pons-Winnecke.
Figure 11.
Figure 12.
28th : Conjunction of Moon and Jupiter (figure 13). Visible in dawn sky at 00:07 (BST) above Southern horizon, fading from view, 04:30. Moon distance from Earth, 375720 km, Jupiter will be 657.5 million km from Earth.
Constellation Aquarius.
Figure 13.
WARNING: Never attempt to view through binoculars, telescope or any optical aid an object near to the Sun. Also, never attempt to view the Sun, aided or unaided, doing so may result in immediate and permanent blindness. Always use astronomical approved viewing equipment.
The Stellarium software will assist greatly in locating objects in the sky.